Monday, February 1, 2010


Date / Day:25 January 2010 / Monday
Duration:12:50 - 02:00 PM
Learning Area:Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots
Learning Objectives: Understand and use the concept of squares of numbers
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
i) determine the squares of numbers using calculators
ii) list perfect squares
iii) determine if a number is a perfect square
    Moral Values:Appreciation
    Teaching Materials:Text Book, Calculator
    Activities:i) Discuss examples
    ii) Do exercises in the text book and discuss the answer together
    Remarks:70 % of the students were able to understand the subtopic.
    Date / Day:25 January 2010 / Monday
    Duration:03:25 - 04:00 PM
    Learning Area:Number Patterns and Sequences
    Learning Objectives: Understand the characteristics of prime numbers
    Learning Outcomes:At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
    i) identify the characteristics of prime numbers
    ii) determine whether a given number is a prime number
    Moral Values:Independent and confident
    Teaching Materials:Text Book
    Activities:i) Discuss examples
    ii) Do exercises in the text book and discuss the answer together
    Remarks:Almost 60% of the students understand the subtopic.
    Date / Day:25 January 2010 / Monday
    Subject:Information Communication Technology Literacy (ICTL)
    Duration:04:35 - 05:45PM
    Learning Area:Ethics in Using Computer
    Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
    i) state the ethics of computer usage
    ii) define the meaning of copyright
    iii) list out various unethical use of computers

    Activities:i) Teacher give some explanation
    ii) Give some notes to the students
    Reflection:The teaching and learning process was successfully achieved.
    Date / Day:19 January 2010 / Tuesday
    Duration:02:00 - 03:10
    Learning Area:Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots
    Learning Objectives: Understand and use the concept of squares of numbers
    Learning Outcomes:At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
    i) determine the squares of numbers using calculators
    ii) list perfect squares

    Moral Values:Appreciation
    Teaching Materials:Text Book, Calculator
    Activities:i) Discuss examples
    ii) Do exercises in the text book and discuss the answer together
    Remarks:The objective of the lesson was achieved.
    Date / Day:26 January 2010 / Tuesday
    Duration:04:35 - 05:45
    Learning Area:Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots
    Learning Objectives: Understand and use the concept of squares of numbers
    Learning Outcomes:At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
    i) pose and solve problems involving squares of numbers
    Moral Values:Confident
    Teaching Materials:Text Book
    Activities:Teacher give exercises to the studnets and ask the students to discuss the problems in group.
    Remarks:60% of the students were able to do the exercises correctly.
    Date / Day:27 January 2010 / Wednesday
    Duration:02:00 - 03:10
    Learning Area:Number Patterns and Sequences
    Learning Objectives: Understand the characteristics and use the knowledge of factors of whole numbers
    Learning Outcomes:At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
    i) list factors of whole numbers
    ii) determine whether a number is a factor of another whole number
    Moral Values:Confident
    Teaching Materials:Text Book
    Activities:i) Give some examples
    ii) Do exercises in the text book and do some discussion on the selected questions.
    Remarks:The students gave good responds. Majority of the students understand the lesson very well.
    Date / Day:27 January 2010 / Wednesday
    Subject:Information Communication Technology Literacy (ICTL)
    Duration:05:10 - 06:20
    Learning Area:Ethics in Using Computer
    Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
    i) state the ethics of computer usage
    ii) define the meaning of copyright
    iii) list out various unethical use of computers
    Activities:i) Teacher give some explanation
    ii) Give some notes to the students
    Reflection:Teaching and learning process was successfully achieved.
    Date / Day:28 January 2010 / Thursday
    Duration:02:00 - 03:10
    Learning Area:Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots
    Learning Objectives: Understand and use the concept of square roots of positive numbers
    Learning Outcomes:At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
    i) determine the relationship between squares and square roots
    ii) determine the square roots of perfect squares without using calculator

    Moral Values:Cooperation and confident
    Teaching Materials:Text Book and References Book
    Activities:i) Discuss examples
    ii) Do exercises in the text book and discuss the answer together
    Date / Day:28 January 2010 / Thursday
    Subject:Information Communication Technology Literacy (ICTL)
    Duration:04:00 - 05:10
    Learning Area:Introduction to Computers
    Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the students are able to:
    i) state the generations of computers together with the respective processors used.
    ii)explain the generations of computers together with the respective processors used.
    Activities:i) Teacher shows slide to the students and ask the students to copy the notes.
    ii) Teacher explaining the evolution of the computer to the students.

    Reflection:The teaching and learning process was successfully achieved.
    Date / Day:28 January 2010 / Thursday
    Duration:05:10 - 06:20
    Learning Area:Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots
    Learning Objectives: Understand and use the concept of squares of numbers
    Learning Outcomes:At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
    i) determine if a number is a perfect square
    Moral Values:Cooperation
    Teaching Materials:Text Book
    Activities:i) Discuss examples
    ii) Do exercises in the text book and discuss the answer together
    Remarks:The students seem to be unable to understand the lesson. so, the lesson will be carry out on the next class.
    Date / Day:29 January 2009 / Friday
    Duration:04:00 - 05:10
    Learning Area:Number Patterns and Sequences
    Learning Objectives: Understand the characteristics and use the knowledge of prime factors of whole numbers
    Learning Outcomes:At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
    i) identify prime factors from a list of factors
    ii) find prime factor(s) of whole numbers
    iii) determine whether a number is a prime factor of another whole number
    Moral Values:Confident
    Teaching Materials:Text Book
    Activities:i) Teacher give some explanations and give some examples
    ii) The students do exercises in the text book
    Remarks:The objective of the lesson was successfully achieved.
    Date / Day:29 January 2009 / Friday
    Duration:05:10 - 06:20
    Learning Area:Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots
    Learning Objectives: Understand and use the concept of squares of numbers
    Learning Outcomes:At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
    i) determine if a number is a perfect square
    Moral Values:Cooperation
    Teaching Materials:Text Book
    Activities:i) Discuss examples
    ii) Do exercises in the text book and discuss the answer together
    Remarks:The objective of the lesson was achieved.

    1 comment:

    1. Wow! That's Really a Nice Piece of Work.
      Keep It Up!
      GK TV
